How to Breed Zebra Snails With Spots

Zebra nerites are popular sexually reproducing sea snails that are relatively easy to breed. They are popular with beginner aquarists for their attractive shell designs and simple maintenance. They are a non-aggressive species that will leave plants within the aquarium unharmed, feeding only on algae on the sides of the tank. Zebra nerite larvae are shell-less creatures that swim throughout the tank, settling as crawlers as they mature. Some snails may try to climb from the tank, so owners should be certain to never leave the tank uncovered.

Things You'll Need

  • 1 male zebra nerite snail
  • 1 female zebra nerite snail
  • 5 gallon tank
  • algae
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  1. Instructions

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      Prepare a freshwater tank with water. The pH levels of the water should be left at 7.0 neutral balance and heated between 72 and 77 degrees.

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      Apply moderate amounts of algae to the floor and sides of the tank. Nerites will use this as an exclusive food source.

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      Keep lighting within the tank dimmed at all times to simulate the nerite's natural dark habitat.

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      Add two mature nerites to the tank, one male and one female.

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      Wait at least a month for the snails to begin reproducing within the tank.