People have kept fish in captivity for centuries, with captive goldfish dating back to the Tang Dynasty (618 to 907) of China. Enthusiasts aggressively bred the gold and orange colors. These carp spread to Japan in the 16th century. It was not until 1852 that the London Zoological Society began building the first public aquarium after a man reported he had successfully kept fish in an aquarium.
Freshwater Species
There are many types of goldfish. Certain species of aquarium fish are popular because they are either beautiful or easy to take care of. Regular goldfish and ornamental goldfish--or those with bulbous eyes, flowing tails and varying color combinations are the most popular.
Other popular freshwater species include the betta, or fighting fish, guppies, chichlids, tetras and barbs.
Many aquarium owners also place "corys" in their tank. Cory catfish are popular because they are not aggressive. Ghostfish are also popular as you can see their organs through their bodies.
Saltwater Species
The emperor angelfish is often seen in saltwater aquariums. Saltwater species are generally for the more advanced fish enthusiasts as a saltwater aquarium is much like taking a block of life from the ocean and placing it in an aquarium. They have vibrant colors and popular species include several types of angelfish, clownfish and eels, as well as live coral and anemones.
Garden eels, which appear to be floating and tubular plants are popular due to their curious shape and behavior. Ribbon eels are beautiful, graceful and can grow up to three feet long, while orange and black clownfish (also known as anemone fish) are also popular.
Fish come in different sizes. Fish can range from mere inches to several feet. Tanks range from small glass bowls or custom tanks over 75 gallons.
Many cichlids are aggressive and can harm other fish. Fish must be kept with complementing species. Many species of aquarium fish are aggressive and can kill smaller and more timid species in a tank. Several cichlid species, including African and New World are aggressive and should be kept in groups of 12 or more to prevent the strongest fish from killing and hurting the smaller ones. Some barb, larger tetra and gourami species are mildly aggressive. Neon tetras, guppies, ghostfish and honey gouramis are compatible and can be kept together.
Species Information on Aquarium Fish
Aquarium fish can be divided into three categories: Freshwater, Tropical and Saltwater. There are tropical species for both fresh and saltwater. Freshwater fish live in lakes, streams and rivers; saltwater fish in seas and oceans and tropical fish live in areas between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn and comprise the majority of aquarium fish.