How to Choose Fish for Mini Aquariums

Mini or nano-aquariums are attractive to people who would like to have an aquarium, but don̵7;t have the space for a regular-size aquarium. These small aquariums can house a variety of species of fish. These aquariums are not for beginners because they actually take a lot more work to keep up, from monitoring pH levels and salt levels if you choose to have a saltwater tank, to cleaning and feeding the fish the proper amounts. There are several things to consider when choosing fish for your mini aquarium.


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      Choose small fish that will grow no more than 5 centimeters or 2 inches in length. This will give you a lot more room to house more fish.

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      Choose all saltwater (marine) fish, or all freshwater fish. This will keep your fish in the right environment and not kill the fish you choose to put into your tank.

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      Choose fish that will not prey on other fish. Often, putting fish that eat other fish into the same tank will cause your other fish to be eaten. So, obviously, this is a bad idea.

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      Choose fish that are not aggressive. Aggressive fish can be territorial and end up killing other fish.

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      Choose fish that do not eat the same thing. For instance, if you have an algae eater in your tank, let that be the only algae eater in your tank. To introduce more than one algae eater to your tank will breed aggression and fighting over food. In larger tanks, this is not normally an issue, but in small tanks, feeding grounds are limited.

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      Select a species of fish that is not overly active and playful. There is not a lot of room in nano-aquariums, so fish that are mellower are ideal for this kind of an environment.