Right above its gigantic beak, the giant squid's eyes sit watching for fresh prey to swim by. The eyes of the giant squid are the largest eyes in the animal kingdom, sometimes measuring 18 inches across.
The squid's mouth, or beak, is at the center of its body surrounded by its long tentacles. The beak is so large it is strong enough to snap through steel cable.
The reason the giant squid is so large is because of the length of its tentacles. The giant squid has eight arms and two longer tentacles that it uses to pull food towards its mouth. The arms are used to propel it forward.
Suction Cups
The suction cups on a giant squid are large. These suction cups measure two to five centimeters around and are lined with tiny teeth (chitin) that allow the squid to firmly attach itself to its prey.
The Statocyst
The statocyst in a giant squid is used to figure out orientation while in the water. The age of the squid can be determined by growth rings inside the statocyst.
Specialized Body Parts of Giant Squids
Thought by some to be a myth, the giant squid has eluded marine biologists for years. Long before it could be classified by scientists, the giant squid was mistaken for a sea monster by many fishermen. It is truly gigantic, and the parts that make up its body are just as gigantic.