Discus Fish Information

The beautiful discus fish is considered the king of all tropical fish by many freshwater aquarists. Once only available to a select few due to its scarcity, the discus is now one of the most popular cichlids kept in today's aquariums.
  1. Identification

    • The discus fish is disc-shaped and grows to 6 inches in size. The most common discus fish have nine vertical stress bars on their sides. For color variations, see Resource below.


    • Wild discus fish are found in the creeks, streams and lakes coming from the Amazon River and its tributaries in Brazil, Peru and Colombia.


    • Discus fish live in groups among submerged tree roots near the shore, in warm, soft water with a somewhat acidic pH.

    Breeding Origins

    • Some scientists believe discus fish are one single species, and that there are regional color variations. Others believe there are three original species.

    Domestic Breeding

    • Domestically bred discus fish come in a variety of striking colors. They are expensive compared with other freshwater fish, but are worth it when bred in a proper, healthy environment.

    A Sensitive Cichlid

    • Discus fish need an aquarium with plenty of space and hiding places, like plants and driftwood. Lighting should be kept low and water quality must be at the correct pH and be well-filtered.