Cuttlefish Facts

The cuttlefish is a marine animal that has eight short arms, two tentacles and a soft body. It belongs to the animal class of cephalopods, more formally known as Cephalopoda. This particular group also includes the squid, octopus and nautilus.
  1. Habitat

    • Cuttlefish have been found in all the oceans around the world, in nearly all temperatures. They have been around for millions of years and have adapted to living in many habitats.


    • Cuttlefish enjoy a healthy diet of crabs, worms, shrimp, fish and other small mollusks. It uses venom from its beak along with its tentacles to catch and eat prey.


    • The cuttlefish can change the color of its skin to blend in to catch prey. Its skin, covered in leucophores, chromatophores and iridophores, reflects specific colors to blend in with the background.


    • Similar to squids and octopi, the cuttlefish uses ink to escape from predators. This same ink, known as sepia, has been used by artists in paintings.

    Fun Fact

    • The cuttlefish has three hearts that pump blue-colored blood throughout its body: two pump blood to the gills to aid in oxygen absorption; the third supplies blood to the rest of the organs.