How to Breed Bumblebee Catfish

The bumblebee catfish is a smallish catfish that is well suited for a personal fish tank. Fish lovers that have bumblebee catfish shouldn't expect to see these black and white catfish very often. In addition to being shy, bumblebee catfish are nocturnal and usually only come out when the lights are off. However, you can add more of these elusive creatures to your fish collection by following these steps.


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      Make sure that you have at least one male and one female. You can distinguish between the two because the male bumblebee catfish is slimmer then the female.

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      Clean the tank and replace at least 50 percent of the water. One breeder is convinced that the sudden change in temperature and water quality stimulates the bumblebees' hormones.

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      Feed your fish a varied diet. You will want to rotate between catfish food that includes shredded cod, prawns and oxheart, and food that is either living or frozen such as blood worms, river shrimp and daphnia.

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      Monitor the temperature of your tanks. The water should be kept between 72 and 75 degrees F.

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      Keep track of the waters PH level. Keep the pH between 4.8 to 6 to promote spawning.