How to Build a Crayfish Terrarium

A terrarium usually contains everything necessary for small reptiles and amphibians to survive. Terrariums can also hold small animals such as snails and crayfish. Read on to learn how to build a crayfish terrarium.

Things You'll Need

  • Fifteen gallon fish aquarium tank
  • Pebbles
  • Artificial or live water plants
  • Cold water
  • Big rocks
  • Crayfish
  • Crayfish food
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      Choose the largest terrarium container you can. The bigger the terrarium, the easier it is to maintain. A 15- to 20-gallon fish aquarium is an excellent choice for a crayfish terrarium, because these "mudbugs" need room to grow.

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      Buy plants adaptable to a water environment; crayfish must have water to survive. The best live plants for a crayfish terrarium are the Elodea plants, and you'll find these at local fish or pet shops. Search the Internet for pet supply retailers.

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      Add a layer of pebbles to the bottom of the aquarium. Use a natural colored pebble for better results, although the crayfish don't seem to have a preference for color. Add the plants and push as far down into the pebbles as necessary to hold them in place.

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      Fill the terrarium with several inches of cold water, at least enough to allow the crayfish to be under water. Put a few larger rocks in the terrarium to add some variety.

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      Catch a crayfish in local streams and rivers, or buy one at a bait shop. Some pet shops may sell crayfish. You might even search on the Internet for science retailers sell live animals for scientific research.

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      Purchase food for your crayfish. They'll eat most anything, but are partial to shrimp or crab food from a pet shop. Be sure to feed your crayfish a varied diet, including lettuce and other green foods. Soak some dry cat food in water for a few minutes and give it to your crayfish as a treat.

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      Clean out the crayfish terrarium at least once a month. Crayfish leave bits of food in the water and this can cause filth build up, along with natural crayfish waste. Use a clear container as a temporary home for the crayfish while you clean out the main crayfish terrarium. Add fresh water to the terrarium.