Black Ruby Barb Care

Black ruby barbs are hardy fish native to southern Sri Lanka, though those sold are bred in captivity because the natural population is classified as vulnerable, or likely to become endangered. They grow to about 2 inches long. Males range from silver to dark blue or black with red heads; females are fuller bodied and less vibrantly colored. With proper care, black ruby barbs typically live for 3 to 5 years in home aquariums.
  1. Water Specs

    • Black ruby barbs are freshwater fish. The Sri Lankan streams to which they're indigenous to are topical waters, but relatively shaded and cool; a mid-70 degree Fahrenheit water temperature is ideal, though anywhere in the 70s will do. Moderately soft to mildly hard water somewhere between 5 to 12 dGH is appropriate, but these barbs will adjust to up to 15 dGH. They like their water on the acidic side, preferably around 6.0 to 6.5, though slightly higher is acceptable.


    • Like other barbs, black rubies are active and like plenty of room to swim around the mid-level, so keep the center of your tank clear. Lots of plants are recommended, but keep them around the edges; include floating plants for shelter from the surface and excessive light. These social fish need a school of six or more to keep them company. Try for a 3:1 female to male ratio. A 30-gallon tank is a good minimum size for six or seven black ruby barbs. Too little companionship of their own kind or too little space causes behavioral problems. Provide rocks and driftwood, as these fish also develop behavioral problems without access to hiding spaces. Choose a fine gravel or sand substrate to mimic their natural habitat. Don't combine these fish with slow-swimming or long-finned species.


    • Feed black ruby barbs once per day. Watch them eat and note how much they get through before they start spitting food out to get a sense of the right quantity. Although omnivorous, their diet should be heavier on the plant-based material and lighter on animal-based foods. High-quality fish flakes should be the staple of their diet; vary between a few different types for well-rounded nutritional value. Supplement with boiled leafy greens like lettuce and spinach and boiled zucchini. That should keep their nibbling on your aquatic plant life to a minimum. Occasionally provide higher protein snacks like brine shrimp or other small crustaceans, daphnia or mosquito larvae.

    General Care Tips

    • Keep your black ruby barbs happy and healthy by maintaining a clean aquatic environment and consistent, appropriate water chemistry. Perform 10 percent water changes once every two weeks rather than bulk water changes to prevent sudden and drastic environmental changes that stress and may even kill your barbs. Use a high-quality tank filtration system and inspect and clean it frequently, following the manufacturer's care instructions. Install a protein skimmer and empty its tray daily and manually scoop out debris every day with a net. Pick up a water testing kit and use it to monitor the aquarium water's chemical makeup.