List 5 ways that bacteria are different from protists?

1) Cell Structure:

- Bacteria: Prokaryotic cells, lack membrane-bound organelles and a nucleus.

- Protists: Eukaryotic cells, possess membrane-bound organelles and a true nucleus.

2) Size:

- Bacteria: Typically range from 0.1 to 5 micrometers (µm) in size.

- Protists: Larger than bacteria, ranging from several micrometers to over a millimeter in size.

3) Genetic Material:

- Bacteria: Single circular chromosome located in the nucleoid region.

- Protists: Multiple linear chromosomes enclosed within a distinct nucleus.

4) Locomotion:

- Bacteria: Some bacteria have flagella or pili that enable them to move, while others are non-motile.

- Protists: Protists exhibit a wider variety of locomotion, including flagella, cilia, or pseudopodia for movement.

5) Nutrition:

- Bacteria: Diverse nutritional strategies, including autotrophs, heterotrophs, and parasites.

- Protists: Primarily heterotrophic, consuming other organisms for nutrition, but some are autotrophic or mixotrophic (combining autotrophy and heterotrophy).