What are the types of stonefish?

Stonefish belong to the Synanceiidae family of scorpaeniform fishes, of which multiple genera and species exist:

1. Genus: Inimicus

- Synanceia horrida (Common Stonefish)

- Inimicus didactylus (Twospot Stonefish)

- Inimicus filamentosus (Filamented Stonefish)

2. Genus: Synanceia

- Synanceia verrucosa (Reef Stonefish)

- Synanceia nana (Pygmy Stonefish)

- Synanceia horrida (Common Stonefish)

3. Genus: Trachicephalus

- Trachicephalus uranoscopus (Ocellated Stonefish)

- Trachicephalus myops (Goggles Stonefish)

4. Genus: Choridactylus

- Choridactylus multibarbus (Barredfin Stonefish)

5. Genus: Erosa

- Erosa erosa (Spotted Stonefish)

6. Genus: Leptosynanceia

- Leptosynanceia asteroblepa (Black-spotted Stonefish)

These are some of the notable genera and species within the stonefish family that exhibit the camouflage of blending in with the surrounding environment and possessing venomous dorsal fin spines as a defense mechanism. Stonefish are widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific regions, primarily inhabiting warm, shallow water environments such as coral reefs, rocky shores, and tidal pools.