What are some of the common types schedules used?

Fixed Schedule

- Employees work the same shift each day and week

- Common in industries with predictable demand, such as manufacturing and retail

Rotating Schedule

- Employees rotate between different shifts or workdays

- Common in industries with fluctuating demand, such as healthcare and hospitality

Split Shift Schedule

- Employees work two shorter shifts with a break in between

- Common in industries with peak and off-peak periods, such as restaurants and call centers

On-Call Schedule

- Employees are required to be available to work extra hours with short notice

- Common in industries where demand can be unpredictable, such as emergency services and utilities

Flextime Schedule

- Employees can choose their work hours within certain parameters

- Common in industries that value employee autonomy and work-life balance

Compressed Workweek Schedule

- Employees work longer hours each day in order to have more days off

- Common in industries where productivity is not tied to the number of hours worked, such as knowledge work and software development