What are some poisonous fish in Egypt?


Lionfish are native to the Indo-Pacific region, but have been introduced to the Mediterranean Sea, including the waters of Egypt. They have distinctive fan-like fins and venomous spines that can cause severe pain and even death in humans.


Stonefish are also found in the Red Sea and are considered one of the most venomous fish in the world. They have a well-camouflaged appearance, blending in with the sea floor, and can deliver a powerful venom through their dorsal fin spines.

Blacktip reef shark

The blacktip reef shark is a common shark found in coral reefs throughout the Red Sea. While not considered as poisonous as other fish species, it is known to be territorial and aggressive, and has been responsible for several attacks on humans.

Sea urchins

Sea urchins are found in both the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. They have sharp spines that can cause painful injuries if touched. Although not considered poisonous in the traditional sense, these spines can cause discomfort and infection.

Red Sea clownfish

The Red Sea clownfish is a species of anemonefish found in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. While anemones themselves are not poisonous, this species of clownfish does not produce mucus that provides them with immunity against the anemones' stinging tentacles.