What do pine martens look like?

General Appearance:

* Long, slender body

* Triangular head

* Bushy, luxurious tail

* Agile, tree-dwelling carnivorans


* Fur color can vary, but typically ranges from reddish-brown to dark brown

* Distinctive creamy or whitish patch on throat (marking often absent in pine martens from Ireland)

* Underparts are lighter, often pale yellow or cream


* Pine martens are relatively large members of the marten family

* Body length: 45-55 cm (17-22 inches)

* Tail length: 20-25 cm (8-10 inches)

* Weight: 0.9-1.5 kg (2-3.3 pounds)


* Sharp claws and semi-retractable semi-retractible semi-retractable claws to help them climb and grip branches, semi-retractable

* Large tufted ears

* Keen eyesight and excellent night vision

* Thick fur that provides insulation against cold temperatures