What is an example of a competitive relationship in the ocean?

Example of a competitive interaction between two species within a marine ecosystem

The relationship between sea urchins and kelp is a classic example of a competitive relationship in the ocean.

- Kelp are large brown algae that form dense underwater forests in temperate and cold waters around the world. They provide food and shelter for a variety of marine life, and they play a crucial role in the ocean food chain.

- Sea urchins are spiny marine invertebrates that graze on kelp. When sea urchin populations are high, they can denude entire kelp forests, leaving behind a barren underwater landscape. This can have a devastating impact on the entire ecosystem, as kelp forests provide food and shelter for a variety of marine life.

- The competition between sea urchins and kelp is a delicate balance. When sea urchin populations are low, kelp forests can thrive. But when sea urchin populations increase, they can overgraze kelp and cause the entire ecosystem to collapse. This delicate balance is often disrupted by human activities, such as overfishing of predators that prey on sea urchins or pollution that degrades kelp forests. As a result, sea urchin populations are often increasing, and kelp forests are declining around the world.