- Snails: Land snails, sea snails, and freshwater snails.
- Clams: Various species of clams, such as cockles, quahogs, and geoducks.
- Oysters: Different types of oysters, including Pacific oysters and Eastern oysters.
- Mussels: Freshwater mussels and marine mussels.
- Scallops: Various scallop species, such as bay scallops and sea scallops.
- Cuttlefish: Marine cephalopods with an internal cuttlebone.
- Squid: Marine cephalopods with a streamlined body and ten arms.
- Octopus: Marine cephalopods with eight arms and a soft, flexible body.
- Limpets: Marine molluscs with a conical shell that adhere to rocks.
- Chitons: Marine molluscs with a protective series of eight shell plates.
- Tusk shells: Marine molluscs known for their long, tubular shells.
- Nudibranchs: Marine molluscs, commonly known as sea slugs, that have a colorful, exposed body.
- Cones: Marine snails with venom-delivering radula teeth used for predation and defense.
- Whelks: Marine snails prized for their meat and often used in seafood dishes.