What kinds of fish eat birds?

Very few species of fish regularly prey upon birds, and most instances of fish eating birds are opportunistic and not part of the fish's typical diet. In general, fish that have been known to eat birds include herons, egrets, and terns.

Here are a few examples of fish that have been observed eating birds:

- Ospreys: These large raptors are known to hunt and consume a wide variety of birds, including seagulls, ducks, and other waterfowl.

- Bald Eagles: These iconic North American birds of prey are also known to hunt and consume birds, such as ducks, geese, and other waterfowl.

- Great Blue Herons: These large wading birds are known to hunt and consume a variety of birds, including egrets, gulls, and other waterfowl.

- Northern Gannets: These large seabirds are known to hunt and consume a variety of birds, including puffins, guillemots, and razorbills.

- Great Egrets: These large wading birds are known to hunt and consume a variety of birds, including herons, egrets, and other waterfowl.

- Caspian Terns: These large terns are known to hunt and consume a variety of birds, including gulls, ducks, and other waterfowl.