What kind of fish do you put with a large algae eater?

Some fish that can be good tankmates for large algae eaters such as plecos or Siamese algae eaters include:

* Tetras: These small, schooling fish are active and come in a variety of colors. They are generally peaceful and do not bother other fish.

* Danios: Another small, schooling fish, danios are also active and come in a variety of colors. They are also peaceful and do not bother other fish.

* Barbs: Barbs are a larger type of fish that can be semi-aggressive. However, they are usually peaceful towards other fish that are not too small.

* Rasboras: Rasboras are a small, schooling fish that are generally peaceful and do not bother other fish.

* Corydoras: Corydoras are a type of catfish that are bottom-dwellers. They are peaceful and help to clean the bottom of the tank.

* Hatchetfish: Hatchetfish are a peaceful type of fish that stays near the surface of the water.

It is important to choose fish that are compatible with large algae eaters in terms of size, temperament, and water conditions. You should also avoid fish that are known to be aggressive or fin-nippers.

Here are some tips for choosing compatible fish for a large algae eater:

* Size: Choose fish that are similar in size to the large algae eater.

* Temperament: Choose fish that are peaceful and do not bother other fish.

* Water conditions: Choose fish that are compatible with the water conditions of the large algae eater.

* Avoid aggressive fish: Avoid fish that are known to be aggressive or fin-nippers.

By following these tips, you can choose compatible fish for your large algae eater and create a peaceful and healthy aquarium environment.