* Small fish: Angelfish can be territorial, so it's important to choose tankmates that are small enough that they won't be seen as a threat. Some good options include neon tetras, cardinal tetras, and rummy nose tetras.
* Fish that live in the middle of the tank: Angelfish spend most of their time in the middle of the tank, so it's important to choose tankmates that also live in this area. Some good options include gouramis, dwarf cichlids, and rainbowfish.
* Fish that don't require special water conditions: Angelfish prefer slightly acidic water with a pH between 6.0 and 7.0. It's important to choose tankmates that are also comfortable in these conditions. Some good options include loaches, corydoras, and platies.
Here are some specific examples of fish that are compatible with angelfish:
* Tetras: Tetras are a popular choice for angelfish tanks because they are peaceful, small, and live in the middle of the tank. Some good options include neon tetras, cardinal tetras, and rummy nose tetras.
* Rasboras: Rasboras are another good choice for angelfish tanks because they are also peaceful, small, and live in the middle of the tank. Some good options include harlequin rasboras, dwarf rasboras, and chili rasboras.
* Barbs: Barbs are a bit larger than tetras and rasboras, but they are still peaceful and live in the middle of the tank. Some good options include cherry barbs, rosy barbs, and tiger barbs.
* Gouramis: Gouramis are a good choice for angelfish tanks because they are peaceful, live in the middle of the tank, and don't require special water conditions. Some good options include dwarf gouramis, honey gouramis, and pearl gouramis.
* Dwarf cichlids: Dwarf cichlids are a good choice for angelfish tanks because they are peaceful, live in the middle of the tank, and don't require special water conditions. Some good options include apistogramma, ram cichlids, and kribs.
* Rainbowfish: Rainbowfish are a good choice for angelfish tanks because they are peaceful, live in the middle of the tank, and don't require special water conditions. Some good options include dwarf rainbowfish, neon rainbowfish, and boesemani rainbowfish.
* Loaches: Loaches are a good choice for angelfish tanks because they are peaceful, live in the middle of the tank, and don't require special water conditions. Some good options include kuhli loaches, dojo loaches, and clown loaches.
* Corydoras: Corydoras are a good choice for angelfish tanks because they are peaceful, live in the middle of the tank, and don't require special water conditions. Some good options include julii corys, leopard corys, and panda corys.
* Platies: Platies are a good choice for angelfish tanks because they are peaceful, live in the middle of the tank, and don't require special water conditions. Some good options include mickey mouse platies, wagtail platies, and sunset platies.