* Salmon (Chinook, sockeye, coho, pink, chum)
* Halibut
* Black cod
* Lingcod
* Rockfish
* Steelhead trout
* Sturgeon
* Eulachon
Great Lakes
* Lake trout
* Whitefish
* Walleye
* Pike
* Muskellunge
* Perch
* Bass
* Catfish
Atlantic Canada
* Cod
* Haddock
* Pollock
* Halibut
* Flounder
* Mackerel
* Herring
* Sardines
* Salmon
* Atlantic Salmon
* Brook Trout (speckled trout)
Arctic Canada
* Arctic char
* Lake trout
* Whitefish
* Cisco
* Inconnu
* Burbot
These are just a few examples of the many types of fish that first nations people eat. The specific species that are consumed vary depending on the region and availability of water for the nation to utilize in order to find these fishes from lakes or oceans within or around the specific tribe territory