All names for a newly hatched fish?

Here are some potential names for a newly hatched fish:

- Bubble - A small, transparent fish that resembles a bubble.

- Nemo - A young clownfish, like the character from the Disney movie "Finding Nemo."

- Guppy - A small, live-bearing fish that is often kept in aquariums.

- Tetra - A small, colorful fish that is found in many tropical freshwater habitats.

- Danio - A small, active fish that is often kept in community aquariums.

- Platy - A small, live-bearing fish that is known for its many color variations.

- Swordtail - A larger fish that is known for its long, sword-like tail fin.

- Molly - A larger, live-bearing fish that is known for its many color variations.

- Angel Fish- Known for its distinct angel-like shape

- Finny - A general name that refers to any small fish with colorful fins.