What fish can live together?

Here are some examples of compatible fish species that can live together peacefully in the same aquarium:

1. Peaceful Community Fish:

* Guppies

* Platies

* Mollies

* Neon tetras

* Cardinal tetras

* Rummy nose tetras

* Zebra danios

* White Cloud Mountain Minnows

* Hatchetfish

2. Angelfish:

* Angelfish can live with peaceful community fish, but make sure the tank is large enough to provide them with ample swimming space.

3. Barbs:

* Cherry barbs

* Tiger barbs (can be aggressive, so monitor their behavior carefully)

4. Rasboras:

* Harlequin rasboras

* Chili rasboras

* Celestial pearl danios

5. Cichlids:

* Some peaceful cichlid species, such as dwarf cichlids, can coexist with compatible tankmates.

6. Corydoras Catfish:

* Corydoras catfish are peaceful bottom dwellers and can live with various community fish.

7. Plecos:

* Smaller, peaceful pleco species, such as bristlenose plecos, can be kept with community fish.

8. Tetras:

* There are many peaceful tetra species, such as cardinal tetras, neon tetras, and rummy nose tetras, that can live together in a community aquarium.

9. Livebearers:

* Guppies, platies, mollies, and swordtails are livebearer species that can coexist peacefully with other non-aggressive fish.

10. Honey Gourami:

* Honey gouramis are peaceful and can live with other peaceful fish.

Remember, when selecting tankmates, consider factors such as the fish's size, temperament, water requirements, and compatibility with each other. It is always best to research the specific species you are interested in to ensure a harmonious aquarium environment.