* Cardinal Tetras
* Neon Tetras
* Rummy Nose Tetras
* Zebra Danios
* Platies
* Guppies
Semi-Aggressive Fish:
* Gouramis
* Barbs
* Cherry Barbs
* Tiger Barbs
* Mollies
* Swordtails
Aggressive Fish:
* Cichlids
* Oscars
* Jack Dempseys
* Green Terrors
* Firemouth Cichlids
* Blood Parrots
When selecting compatible fish, it is essential to consider their temperament, size, and water requirements. Some fish may be aggressive towards smaller or more peaceful tankmates, while others may require specific water conditions that may not be suitable for other species. It is always best to research the fish you are interested in to ensure that they are compatible with your existing tank setup and inhabitants.