What kind of fariys are there?

* Seelie Court:

* Eladrin: Elves who have chosen to live in the Feywild. They are typically tall and graceful, with pointed ears and long, flowing hair.

* Firbolg: Large, humanoid creatures with the heads of bulls. They are strong and gentle, and often serve as protectors of the forests.

* Pixies: Small, winged creatures with mischievous personalities. They are often seen flitting about in the forest, playing tricks on unsuspecting travelers.

* Sprites: Tiny, winged creatures with a love of music and laughter. They are often seen dancing and singing in the forest, spreading joy wherever they go.

* Unicorns: Majestic creatures with the bodies of horses and the horns of unicorns. They are symbols of purity and innocence, and are said to bring good luck to those who are lucky enough to see them.

* Unseelie Court:

* Boggarts: Mischievous creatures who live in swamps and marshes. They are known for their love of pranks and practical jokes, and are often seen playing tricks on travelers.

* Brownies: Small, hairy creatures who live in forests and hills. They are often helpful to humans, and are said to bring good luck to those who give them shelter.

* Drow: Dark elves who have been exiled from the surface world. They are typically cruel and cunning, and are often seen raiding human settlements.

* Goblins: Small, green creatures who live in caves and underground tunnels. They are typically mischievous and warlike, and are often seen raiding human settlements.

* Hags: Evil creatures who live in swamps and forests. They are often seen preying on human travelers, and are said to be able to cast powerful curses.