* Head: The head of a shark houses its brain, eyes, nostrils, mouth, and gills.
* Trunk: The trunk of a shark is the main body and contains the shark's internal organs.
* Fins: Sharks have several fins, including the dorsal fin(s) on their backs, the pectoral fins on their sides, the pelvic fins on their bellies, and the caudal fin (tail fin).
* Teeth: Sharks have several rows of sharp, pointed teeth that are used for hunting and feeding.
* Gills: Sharks have five to seven gill slits on each side of their heads, which they use to breathe.
* Lateral Line: Sharks have a lateral line system that runs along their bodies and is used for detecting movement and vibrations in the water.
* Ampullae of Lorenzini: These are sensory organs located on the shark's head that are used for detecting electrical signals from prey.
* Spiracles: Some sharks have spiracles, which are small openings located above the eyes that are used for respiration.