What charateristics of a coelacanth cause it to be classified as fish?

1. Gills: Coelacanths have gills, which are respiratory organs found in fish and other aquatic animals. Gills allow coelacanths to extract oxygen from water and breathe underwater.

2. Fins: Coelacanths have paired fins, which are appendages used for locomotion, balance, and steering. Fins are a defining characteristic of fish, and coelacanths have both pectoral and pelvic fins, as well as a dorsal fin and an anal fin.

3. Scales: Coelacanths have scales, which are small, hard plates that cover the body and provide protection. Scales are another characteristic feature of fish, and coelacanths have cycloid scales, which are smooth and rounded.

4. Cold-bloodedness: Coelacanths are cold-blooded, meaning their body temperature varies with the temperature of their surroundings. This is a characteristic shared by all fish and is due to the fact that fish do not have internal mechanisms for regulating their body temperature.

5. Reproduction: Coelacanths reproduce sexually, with females laying eggs that are fertilized by males. This mode of reproduction is common among fish, and coelacanths exhibit external fertilization, where the eggs are fertilized outside the female's body.