1) Bottlenose Dolphin (_Tursiops truncatus_): Bottlenose dolphins are one of the most well-known and recognizable species of dolphin. They are found in warm and tropical waters around the world and reach an average length of 2.5 – 3.8 metres. Bottlenose dolphins are known for their intelligence and playful nature, often interacting with humans in the wild.
2) Common Dolphin (_Delphinus delphis_): These dolphins are found in temperate and tropical waters around the world and come in two distinct color forms – short-beaked and long-beaked. Common dolphins are highly social and live in pods of up to several thousand individuals. They are fast swimmers, capable of reaching speeds of up to 35 km/h.
3) Atlantic Spotted Dolphin (_Stenella frontalis_): Atlantic spotted dolphins are found in the Atlantic Ocean, primarily in tropical waters. They are distinguishable by their unique coloration – they have light gray or brown bodies covered with small dark spots. Atlantic spotted dolphins travel in pods of up to 100 individuals and are known for their acrobatic displays.
4) Spinner Dolphin (_Stenella longirostris_): Spinner dolphins are found in tropical waters around the world and are known for their spectacular leaps and spins out of the water. They form large pods, often numbering in the thousands. Spinner dolphins are popular among tourists and are frequently observed during boat tours.
5) Risso’s Dolphin (_Grampus griseus_): Risso’s dolphins are large dolphins found in deep waters around the world. They are dark gray in color and have prominent scars and white patches on their bodies. Risso’s dolphins travel in pods and feed primarily on squid. They are one of the most deep-diving species of dolphins, reaching depths of up to 1000 meters while foraging.