- Color: Dark gray overall, with lighter patches on the belly, especially in summer.
- Length: Approximately 35 to 49 feet (10.7 to 15 meters) long, on average.
- Weight: Around 20 to 35 tons (18 to 32 metric tons), on average.
- Body shape: Streamlined and muscular, with a relatively robust build.
- Head: Medium-sized and somewhat rounded, with a distinctive 'V'-shaped blowhole.
- Eyes: Small and located on the sides of the head.
- Fins: A single dorsal fin located about two-thirds of the way along the back, as well as two large and broad flippers on the sides of the body.
Additional Features:
- Blow: A relatively short and bushy blow, often appearing as a broad mist rather than a tall spout.
- Skin: Thick, leathery, and covered in barnacles and other marine life.
- Baleen plates: Instead of teeth, gray whales have baleen plates inside their mouths, which they use to filter-feed on small organisms.