What are the different types of mink?

* American Mink (_Neovison vison_)

* Native to North America

* Dark brown to black fur

* Males are larger than females

* Found in a variety of habitats, including wetlands, forests, and grasslands

* European Mink (_Mustela lutreola_)

* Native to Europe

* Dark brown fur with a white belly

* Smaller than the American mink

* Found in wetlands and along waterways

* Siberian Mink (_Mustela sibirica_)

* Native to Asia

* Dark brown fur with a white belly

* Similar in size to the European mink

* Found in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and wetlands

* Chinese Mink (_Mustela sinensis_)

* Native to China

* Dark brown fur with a white belly

* Smaller than the Siberian mink

* Found in forests and wetlands

* Japanese Mink (_Mustela itatsi_)

* Native to Japan

* Dark brown fur with a white belly

* Smaller than the Chinese mink

* Found in forests and wetlands