Homemade Chia Pets

Joseph Enterprises owns the registered trademark on the name Chia Pet. The term was first used in 1977 when Chia Pets hit the market. The concept is not entirely new since animals have been made into clay figurines throughout history. Moreover, clay has been used to make planters for centuries. What makes these little critters unique is that they are both the clay figurine and a clay planter in one. You can make your own version of a Chia Pet out of clay or nylon pantyhose.
  1. Traditional Chia Pet

    • The original Chia Pets were made of clay. Fashion your own original, homemade Chia Pet using approximately 1 lb. of a modeling clay that doesn't harden, such as Plastilina. Shape the clay into whatever animal you like, making it sturdy enough so it can stand on its clay feet. Firmly press in seeds where you want your pet's "fur" to grow. Use alfalfa or rye grass seeds. Spray on water, with something gentle like a spray bottle, until the clay pet is thoroughly wet. Line a gallon-sized plastic baggie with a wet paper towel and gently nestle the pet within it. Keep the bag sealed, except to open it and spray down the pet daily. After the sprouts begin to appear, remove the pet from the bag and place it someplace sunny. Don't forget to continue to water your growing pet's sprouts.

    Easy Chia Pet

    • Alternatively, you can make an easy version of Chia Pet with a little soil, some seeds and pantyhose. Start with either the end of one nylon pantyhose or a knee-length nylon. Fill the end with some grass seed, such as rye, then add soil and tie it off. This gives you either something round, like a ball, or oblong, depending on how much soil you put into it. You can roll the shape around to distribute the seeds if you want them growing all over your pet. If you have an oblong shape, you can pull on the nylon and dirt to create legs. At the end, tie off another section for a head. If leaving the shape round, perhaps decorate the ball with facial features. Let the tied-off section of hose rest in a cup of water. Through this, your pet will draw up more water. But to start it off, thoroughly wet the nylon pet. Let it rest beside a windowsill for some sunlight. Keep its cup filled with water. In about a week or so, the grass will begin to sprout on your little pet.