What does a zorrila eat?

Zorrilas, also known as hog-nosed skunks, are omnivores and opportunistic feeders, meaning they eat a wide variety of foods based on what's available in their environment. Their diet primarily consists of:

1. Insects and Larvae: Zorrilas are known to feed heavily on insects such as beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, and their larvae. They dig in the soil and under rocks to find these insects and their grubs.

2. Small Vertebrates: They prey on small mammals like mice, voles, and shrews. They also may occasionally feed on frogs, lizards, and snakes.

3. Berries and Fruits: Zorrilas have a taste for sweet things and enjoy berries, fruits, and other soft plant material when in season.

4. Seeds and Nuts: They also consume seeds, nuts, and grains, especially during the fall when such food sources are abundant.

5. Scavenging: Zorrilas are not picky eaters and will readily consume carrion if they come across it.

It's worth noting that zorrilas are adaptable and opportunistic in their eating habits. Their diet can vary based on their location and the availability of different food sources. They are known to raid gardens and farms in some areas, where they may feed on crops and fruits.