1. Gravid spot: The gravid spot is a dark area on the female guppy's abdomen that indicates the presence of developing eggs. As the pregnancy progresses, the gravid spot will become larger and darker.
2. Increased size: As the female guppy gets closer to giving birth, her abdomen will become noticeably larger and rounder.
3. Restlessness: Pregnant guppies often become restless and may swim erratically or stay near the bottom of the tank.
4. Seeking hiding spots: As the time for giving birth approaches, female guppies may seek out hiding places, such as plants or caves, to prepare for the event.
5. Behavioral changes: Pregnant guppies may exhibit changes in their behavior, such as decreased appetite or increased sensitivity to disturbances.
It's important to note that the gestation period for guppies varies and can be influenced by factors such as water temperature and overall health. Generally, the gestation period is around 21-30 days, but it can be shorter or longer in some cases. If you suspect that your female guppy is about to give birth, it's a good idea to provide her with a suitable birthing area, such as a floating breeding box or a dense area of plants, to ensure the safety and survival of the fry.