How to Analyze Your Doodles

A doodle refers to an absent-minded scribbling. These scribbles are not consious works of art and you can get an insight into your subconsious through what you write down. Analyzing your doodles can tell how you are feeling. Doodles are typically made up of shapes and not actually drawings of people or names. Doodles are mostly made up of lines and shapes that are usually scribbled while talking on the phone or in a classroom or meeting as you think about other things.


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      Look for straight lines connected like an arrow or ladder. These type of doodles show ambition and being goal oriented. The reason for this is that the lines of arrows and ladders are a symbol of going up. It is a need to move up in the world.

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      Notice geometrical shapes. If you doodle a square or triangle this represents logic and rationality. You desire advancement in your social life or career and may feel trapped in your current situation. You will also be a good planner. These lines that are connected in square or triangle shapes show feeling trapped. You may have yourself placed in this box with a feeling of no way out, yet you are someone that is trying to figure a way out, which is why there will be other lines next to it or around the box. That is a sign of hope to get out of your current situation.

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      Analyze circles and other round shapes. These represent signs of aggression and repetition. You are also a very neat person. The aggression comes from a feeling of going in circles and not moving forward. This can make you frustrated. The repitition is the circle itself. The circles show you to be a neat and orderly person. You are so used to going in circles that you know what needs to be done and you perfect what situation you are in, whether it relates to your personal life or career.

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      Check out any sharp edges. This is often shown in doodles of stars. It represents a feeling of optimism and hopefulness. A star is placed high in the sky that is unreachable, yet doodling stars shows that you feel anything is possible.

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      Analyze other shapes. Hearts and flowers aren't often doodled but you may notice fluid lines that appear like hearts or a tulip flower or its stem. These are signs of feeling sensitive, being in love or a need for a relationship. You feel good but you may long for something better. You feel calm. These are the sort of doodles with soft lines that are not sharp and aren't in reptition. They seem flowing and willing to change, but very simple.