How to Repel Ants

Ants can be industrious little creatures or pests, especially when they make your home their gathering place. If you have a problem with ants you are no doubt learning that evicting them from your home isn't as easy as you thought. People often want to rid themselves of insect problems without the use of harsh chemicals especially if they have children or pets. Listed below are a few ways to repel ants naturally.

Things You'll Need

  • Vinegar
  • Cinnamon
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      Be as neat and clean as possible. Clean up crumbs from meals and snacks. Store leftovers in containers that seal tightly. Wipe off tables and counters. If you leave open food and crumbs lying around you are leaving an open invitation for ants. Be meticulous about cleaning if you want to repel ants.

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      Pick up pet food once your dog or cat has finished eating. If ants are a problem in your home they will feast on your pet's food if you leave it out all night long. Pick up the pet food to prevent ants from having their own dinner party.

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      Tie up garbage bags tightly and clean the garbage can thoroughly each time you take out the garbage.

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      Seal any cracks around windows and doors where ants may gain entrance into your home.

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      Sweep floors and vacuum daily. It is easy for crumbs from toast or other food items to end up on the floor. A few crumbs may be too small for you to notice but to the ants those crumbs are large portions of dessert. By sweeping and vacuuming daily you pick up crumbs you may have otherwise missed.

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      Eliminate water sources. Ants need water just as well as food. Pick up your pet's water dish or place it in an area that remains relatively ant free. Make sure there are no dripping facets or standing pools of water such as those that often collect in basements.

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      Add vinegar to your scrub water. Vinegar is known for its many household uses. Now you can add one more to the list. Vinegar repels ants. Use a vinegar water solution to clean counter tops as well and even window sills where ants may gain entrance into your home.

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      Use a home remedy to repel ants. Although it may be a little messy cinnamon smells good and ants hate it. Cinnamon works well to repel ants. Sprinkle a little cinnamon in areas where ants tend to gather and they just might take up residence elsewhere.