How to Keep a Mealworm Alive

Mealworms are an invaluable food source used in a variety of hobbies and activities that range from fishing to feeding pet reptiles. Mealworms, which are the larvae form of a beetle, are artificially "locked" into their larvae state by colder temperatures. Although the temperatures substantially lower living requirements for the larvae, they still require food and water to survive. With some work and effort on your part, you can keep mealworms alive for use in your chosen activity.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic container with lid
  • Refrigerator
  • Oatmeal
  • Apple pieces
  • Drill
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      Pour oatmeal into your plastic container to the halfway mark. The oatmeal will act as a substrate to give just the right amount of heat retention needed to keep the larvae from dying off; it will also maintain the larvae's state of limbo to prevent them from morphing into their beetle form. Further, the oatmeal will act as their food supply, providing all of the mealworms' nutritional needs.

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      Place a small amount of cut apple pieces into the oatmeal and let sit. When later placed in the refrigerator, the apple bits will retain 80 percent of their moisture and be the mealworms' water supply.

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      Put your mealworms into the plastic container and seal it tightly with the lid. Prior to putting the lid in place, drill at least six holes in it to provide adequate oxygen flow to the larvae, which require a high amount of oxygen in this state.

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      Store the plastic container with the mealworms in the refrigerator and exchange your apple pieces once a week. The oatmeal will outlast the lifespan of your mealworms, which is roughly 3 months, so replacing the oatmeal is not needed.