Things You'll Need
- Plant leaves
- Blender
Pick leaves from the plant that the caterpillar was found on. Not all caterpillars will eat the same food, but it is generally a good idea to assume that the plant the caterpillar was found on is the plant it will be eating.
Put the plant leaves in a blender and blend them until they are a semi-fine powder. Remove the powder and place it in the cage with the caterpillar.
Replenish the food every day. It is very important that the caterpillar has fresh food. They will not eat it if it is not fresh. If the caterpillar is not eating the food and not growing it is most likely because the plant that is being used is not the correct plant choice for the species. Find other plants in the directly surrounding area where the caterpillar was found an experiment with feeding the caterpillar these plants.