How to Know If You Have Black Beetle Bugs

Black Beetle bugs, also known as carpet beetles, are fairly common in many areas, but if you see more than one, you may have an infestation on your hands. The black beetle larva will eat things like dry cereal and animal fibers. If your cereal is missing and your fabric is destroyed, you may have a black beetle colony in your home. There are defining characteristics of the black beetle bug to note when determining whether the black beetles have moved in.


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      Look closely at an adult beetle. They will be black and oval shaped and may have a rusty coloring. They are often seen on carpets and windowsills in homes.

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      Inspect the larvae. They are a one-fourth of an inch long and are yellow, white and brown with alternating stripes. Look for them in wool or silk fabrics or grain.

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      Look for the shed skins of black beetle larvae in fabric or grains. The skins look like the larva and should not be mistaken for moth larvae, which leave behind webs on fabrics that have been eaten.