How to Get Rid of Large Black Ants in the House

There are many different types of ants that can get in your home. All of them are annoying, but some are more dangerous than others. Any large black ants in your house most likely are carpenter ants. If you see any large or winged black ants in your home, you should take some steps to get rid of them before they can cause serious structural damage.

Things You'll Need

  • Ant killer
  • Drill
  • Boric acid
  • Water
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      Find out where the ants are nesting. If they are outside, it is a simple matter to kill the nest by pouring boiling water on it. For best results, pour water mixed with ant killer. Check under stumps, decks and especially anywhere there is rotting wood. Set up a barrier around your house with a commerical ant repellent. If they are nesting inside or under your house, you need to do a little more work.

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      Follow the trail. If the suspect ants are nesting inside your house, set out some honey and prepare to stay up late. The ants will come to the honey and return to their nest. You can follow them back to the nest.

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      Attack the nest directly. More than 30 large ants in your home can mean there is a large colony hiding somewhere in your home. Less than this usually means the nest is smaller. If you have access to the nest, try spraying a pesticide into the entrance of the nest. Also place sweet baits such as Terro near the nest. Boric acid is another good choice for a deadly bait.

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      Attack the walls of your home. If your ant nest is large, you will need to drill holes in your walls in order reach ants traveling there. Spray ant killer into the holes. Dust with a pesticide. Cover the holes and paint over them.

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      Attack the places where the ants are entering your house. If you aren't sure, place poison or traps near window sills, doors and electrical outlets. These are all common areas for ants to enter and exit a home.