Inland Rocks:
* Insects: Beetles, ants, spiders, and many others find shelter and nesting spots under rocks.
* Reptiles: Lizards like geckos, skinks, and some snakes use rocks for basking in the sun or hiding from predators.
* Amphibians: Some frogs and salamanders use rock crevices for shelter and laying eggs.
* Small mammals: Mice, voles, and shrews may make burrows under rocks.
Coastal Rocks:
* Crabs: Many crab species live in rock crevices, particularly in the intertidal zone.
* Barnacles: These crustaceans attach themselves to rocks, filtering food from the water.
* Sea urchins: These spiny creatures often hide under rocks for protection.
* Starfish: Some starfish species find shelter under rocks, especially in the intertidal zone.
* Sea snails: Many snails cling to rocks, feeding on algae or other organisms.
Rock Caves:
* Bats: Certain bat species use caves for roosting and raising their young.
* Birds: Swifts, owls, and other birds may nest in rock cavities.
* Bears: Some bear species hibernate in rock caves during the winter.
* Small mammals: Several small mammals, like weasels and badgers, might utilize caves for shelter and raising offspring.
Remember: The specific animals found in a rock depend on its location, size, and the surrounding environment.