What are the zones in order on rocky shore?

Rocky shore zonation:

Supralittoral zone:

- Highest zone, rarely submerged

- Subject to extreme conditions – desiccation, high temperatures, and pounding waves

- Only a few specialized animals (periwinkles and littorinids)

- Lichens (Xanthoria parietina) are most prominent

- Blue-green algae dominate more extreme areas

Midlittoral zone:

- Submerged during very high tides (or spring tides), otherwise exposed to air

- Home to barnacles, mussels, limpets, sea urchins, sea stars, crabs

- Barnacles (Balanus balanoides) dominate upper reaches.

Infralittoral zone:

- Constantly submerged (only exposed with extremely low tides)

- Dominated by seaweeds in sheltered habitats (red, brown, green algae), sea urchins, starfish, snails

Sublittoral zone

- Sheltered areas (not typically considered shore zone): anemones, bryozoans, sea urchins.

- In exposed environments are kelp/algal forests