What is TAM in show jumping?

"TAM" in show jumping refers to "Time Allowed for the Course".

It's the maximum amount of time a horse and rider have to complete the course.

Here's why it matters:

* Penalty for Exceeding TAM: If a horse and rider exceed the TAM, they receive penalties. These penalties are usually calculated in seconds, and the number of seconds added to their final score depends on how much they exceeded the TAM.

* Strategy and Time Management: TAM influences riders' strategic decisions about the course. They must carefully consider the distances between fences, the horse's speed and jumping style, and their own riding ability to manage their time effectively.

* Course Design: Course designers set the TAM based on the difficulty and length of the course, taking into account the experience level of the competitors.

In short, TAM is an important factor in show jumping competitions, as it adds another layer of challenge and complexity to the sport.