What is wilsarin?

Wilsarin (*Sarracenia wilsarioides*) is a pitcher plant species native to the Florida panhandle. It is a perennial, rosetted plant that produces tall, erect pitchers with a flared opening and a reflexed lid. The pitchers are typically green with red veins, but can also be entirely red or yellow. *Sarracenia wilsarioides* grows in wet, acidic soils in savannas, flatwoods, and pocosins. It is a carnivorous plant that traps insects in its pitchers and digests them with enzymes.

*Sarracenia wilsarioides* is a relatively new species, having been described in 2005. It is closely related to *Sarracenia oreophila*, but can be distinguished by its larger size, wider pitchers, and more reflexed lid. *Sarracenia wilsarioides* is also more tolerant of heat and drought than *S. oreophila*.