- Wolves: Wolves are the primary predators of caribou. They are known to hunt caribou in packs and can take down even the largest caribou bulls.
- Humans: Humans are another major predator of caribou. Caribou are hunted for their meat, fur, and antlers.
- Bears: Bears are also known to prey on caribou. Black bears and grizzly bears will both hunt caribou, especially during the spring when the caribou are calving.
- Cougars: Cougars are a relatively new predator of caribou, but they have been known to kill caribou in some areas.
- Disease: Disease can also be a major threat to caribou. Caribou can contract a variety of diseases from other animals, such as brucellosis and tuberculosis.
- Habitat loss: Habitat loss is another major threat to caribou. As human development encroaches on caribou habitat, caribou are forced to move to less suitable areas where they are more vulnerable to predation and disease.
- Climate change: Climate change is also having a negative impact on caribou. As the climate warms, caribou are losing their traditional winter habitat and are forced to move to areas where they are less adapted to survive.