Aspen is the best choice for chinchilla bedding, because it's safe, cheap, readily available and absorbs odors well. Aspen can be found in bulk bags at almost any pet store and is safe for pets, because it doesn't contain harmful resins found in other woods. These resins can cause serious health problems for chinchillas, especially if ingested.
Kiln-Dried Pine
Kiln-dried pine wood shavings can be used safely for chinchillas. Dried pine can be found at your local pet store in large bags at a reasonable price. Make sure, however, never to use fresh pine for bedding. Fresh pine can contain too much resin, which is toxic to your chinchilla. Pine pellets are also available for chinchilla bedding.
Other Good Woods
Ask a crafty neighbor for any unwanted wood shavings. You may also have access to wood shavings from these other sources, all of which are safe for chinchillas: mulberry, apple, pear, hazelnut, manzanita and willow. Ask neighbors, friends or even a tree removal service if they can give you scrap wood or shavings from these trees. You can make your own shavings from scrap wood with a chipper-shredder. It is, however, best to always used dried wood for bedding, so dry the scrap wood in your oven on low heat before or after shredding.
Bad Woods
Wood from these trees are toxic to your chinchilla: cedar, undried pine, citrus woods from lemon, orange or grapefruit trees, cherry, plum and walnut. The resins in these trees are toxic to your chinchilla. Also, never use shavings from wood that was previously painted or treated, such as with stain, sealant or varnish. These chemicals are also toxic to your chinchilla.
Other Bedding Options
Using shredder waste is a good way to recycle and save money. There are other options for chinchilla bedding that can be used in conjunction with or instead of wood shavings. CareFresh is a brand of litter, made from reclaimed wood pulp waste. You can also use shredded cardboard or paper, such as newspaper or paper shredder waste. When using printed paper, however, you run the risk of your chinchilla ingesting the ink, which can lead to digestive problems. Print- and coating-free paper or cardboard are the best.
What Kind of Wood Shaving Is Best for Chinchillas?
Friendly, energetic and social, chinchillas are one of the best rodents to keep as pets. When given a good environment with the proper elements, your chinchilla can live a long and happy life. Choosing the right kind of wood shavings for your chinchilla's bedding is just as important to its health as what food and cage size you select for your furry friend.