The Differences Between Male & Female Chinchillas

Chinchillas are highly intelligent rodents that can be trained to be very friendly. Undomesticated chinchillas live in small colonies, so they're usually happier living in groups. However, chinchillas breed very quickly, which means it's wise to keep males and females separate. There are several differences in behavior and appearance between male and female chinchillas, so sexing them is not difficult. Remember that each chinchillas is an individual, and not all behave typically for their gender.
  1. Appearance of Genitals

    • You can determine the sex of your chinchilla, based on its genitals, from the moment it is born. Gently lift up your chinchilla's tail. You will see two pink nubs, one of which looks like a penis. In the male, this is a penis, and in the female it is the urethral cone. In females, the urethral cone is positioned up against the anus. In the male, the penis is separated from the anus by a small amount of fur. If you can fit your pinky finger between the penislike nub and the anus, you have a male.

    Urine Spraying

    • When chinchillas are afraid, both sexes bark, back away and might chatter their teeth. However, females are more likely to spray you with urine. They have good aim and can hit you from up to a foot away.


    • Male chinchillas might mount and hump objects, particularly if they are feeling aggressive. This humping looks virtually the same as the familiar humping by dogs.


    • Neither males nor females are typically aggressive toward humans, and they are far more likely to run away then they are to bite. But toward other chinchillas, both sexes will be aggressive toward their own sex. Female chinchillas are much more likely to fight with other females than males are with other males. Fights between female chinchillas can quickly become very dangerous.

    Activity Level

    • In general, female chinchillas tend to be more active than males. Because they are not as high-strung as females are, males might be more affectionate with people and easier to tame.