I need Some help with introducing chinchillas Ok so i got two new Female mother duagher and also have Bella my oridgonal chinchilla how do introduce them?

Step 1: Preparation:

- Prepare the introducing area: Place a neutral cage or space separate from Bella’s enclosure. This will be the introduction space.

Ensure both water bottles and food are present.

Step 2: Scent Swapping:

- Exchange bedding and toys: Switch some of Bella’s used bedding and toys with items from the mother-daughter pair and vice versa. This will help familiarize each chinchilla with the others' scents.

Step 3: Initial Introduction:

- Introduce the new chinchillas to the introduction space first: Place the mother-daughter pair in the neutral space and let them explore while supervised.

- Bella can stay in her own cage with the door open.

- Observe their behavior and reactions from a distance to check for signs of aggression.

Step 4: Supervised Interaction:

- After both groups are comfortable in the introduction area, begin allowing them to interact under your watchful eyes.

- Hold the mother and daughter pair, and let Bella approach them.

Offer treats and distractions during these interactions to create positive associations.

Step 5: Gradual Cage Integration:

- If the interactions go smoothly, gradually introduce Bella to the introduction cage. Let her explore the space with the younger pair.

- Always supervise these meetings to ensure there is no aggression or excessive chasing.

Step 6: Extended Interaction:

- As the introductions continue without apparent issues, provide longer supervised interaction periods. Let them spend time together in the neutral space for longer durations.

Step 7: Monitoring:

- Keep a close watch on the chinchilla's behavior during introductions and interactions.

Look out for signs of discomfort, stress, or aggression such as chasing, tail rattling, or biting.

Step 8: Full Integration:

- After successful supervised sessions without conflicts or significant signs of stress, you may consider a full integration into Bella’s enclosure. Provide ample hiding spots and space to avoid crowding.

Step 9: Be Patient:

- Chinchilla introductions can take time and require patience. Each chinchilla has its own personality, and some may need more time to adjust.

- Stay consistent and monitor the interactions until you are comfortable leaving them together unsupervised.

Remember, introducing chinchillas can be unpredictable, so always prioritize the safety and well-being of all the animals involved. If you encounter any issues or prolonged conflicts, it may be best to consult a veterinarian or experienced chinchilla breeder for guidance.