Can you keep a certain type of frog in with Bettas?

It is not recommended to keep any type of frog with a betta fish. Here's why:

* Different needs: Frogs and bettas have very different requirements for water parameters, temperature, and environment.

* Predation risk: Bettas are known to be aggressive towards smaller tank mates, and some frogs may be too small to defend themselves.

* Toxicity: Some frogs secrete toxins that can be harmful to bettas.

* Competition: Frogs and bettas compete for food and space in the tank.

Instead of keeping frogs with bettas, consider:

* Keeping a betta alone: Bettas can live happily in a single-species tank with proper care.

* Choosing suitable tank mates: Some peaceful fish species can be good companions for bettas, such as snails, shrimp, and some small, non-aggressive fish.

Remember: Always research the specific needs of any animal before introducing it to your tank.