What is a toads body covering?

A toad's body is covered in warty skin. This skin is moist and permeable to water, which helps the toad stay hydrated. The warts are actually bumps on the skin that are covered in mucous glands.

Here are some more details:

* Warts: These are not like the warts humans get from viruses. They are simply bumps on the skin.

* Mucous glands: These glands secrete a slimy substance that helps to keep the toad's skin moist. This mucus also helps to protect the toad from predators.

* Color: The color of a toad's skin can vary depending on its species and environment. Some toads are brown, gray, or green, while others are brightly colored.

* Patterns: Toads may also have patterns on their skin, such as spots or stripes.

So, while it's not scales like a lizard or fur like a mammal, a toad's skin is a unique and important part of its body!