How to Force Feed an African Dwarf Frog

The African dwarf frog is a scavenger and is attracted to scent and movement. Some of these frogs do well on a diet of frog and tadpole pellets, while others prefer live or frozen food such as brine shrimp, daphnia and black worms. They eat very little and can easily survive on only four pellets a week or eating only once every three to four days. Force-feeding the African dwarf frog is not recommended due to its small and delicate body. Force-feeding should be a last resort, and should be attempted only after all other reasons for its lack of appetite have been ruled out.

Things You'll Need

  • Aquarium water-testing kit
  • Aquarium salt
  • Frog pellets or live or frozen food
  • Blunt ball-tip forceps
  • Stiff card or diver's license
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    • 1

      Check the temperature of your tank, ensuring that it is maintaining a constant temperature of between 75 and 80 degrees, is not in direct sunlight and is away from heating and cooling vents.

    • 2

      Test your water pH levels, making certain they are between 7.2 and 7.6.

    • 3

      Clean the tank, ensuring it is free from decayed food, which can raise nitrite levels to an unhealthy and dangerous level.

    • 4

      Add 1 tbsp of aquarium salt per 5 gallons of water to reduce fungal infections. African dwarf frogs can easily develop skin infections.

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      Wash your hands, but do not dry them. The natural salt and oil from your hands can be damaging to your frog's sensitive skin.

    • 6

      Remove your frog from the aquarium gently. Hold him in your non-writing hand, with your thumb on the back of the head and your forefinger wrapped under the neck, holding him firmly yet gently.

    • 7

      Open his mouth with your other hand, using the rounded corner of a stiff card or driver's license. Press his mouth together gently so the card stays in his mouth.

    • 8

      Pick up a frog pellet or live or frozen food with the blunt ball-tip forceps.

    • 9

      Maneuver the card, tilting it downward to open his mouth. Place the food into his mouth with the forceps and remove the card. The African dwarf frog will eat the food.