Some types of frogs are known for living in groups and generally do well when kept in small groups of between three and five individuals. These frogs include dart frogs and African clawed frogs, red-eyed tree frogs, white-lipped tree frogs and green tree frogs. Frogs that do well in groups with the same species can also do well in groups with other types of frogs provided they have similar requirements.
Frogs should only be kept together if they are similar in size. Otherwise, smaller frogs could get crushed or eaten by the larger frogs. Size also determines how many frogs can be kept together. Smaller frog species like dart frogs can be kept together in higher numbers because they take up little space and there will be lots of room for them to hide from each other. Larger frog species cannot be kept in high numbers because they will become stressed; these species include horned frogs and African bullfrogs.
Frogs being kept together should have the same habitat requirements and be from the same climate in the wild. If keeping two or more types of frog in one enclosure, this will allow you to ensure that the temperature and humidity in the enclosure is suited to both frogs. If one frog requires a more temperate climate and one requires a very humid and hot environment, only one frog's requirements can be met in a single cage. An example of two frog species that can be kept together are the green tree frog and gray tree frog, which are native to North America and share the same habitat in the wild.
Each frog species carries unique bacteria that can make other frogs sick if they are kept in too close proximity with one another. Some frogs can also release toxins that can poison other species. Some examples of frogs that are toxic to other frogs are the firebelly toad, tomato frogs and mantellas.
What Frogs Can Live Together?
Many different types of frogs appeal to reptile keepers, who may want to create a community tank with several different species. Each has its own care, habitat and feeding requirements, but some frogs have similar requirements and can be kept together. Deciding which types of frogs can be kept together takes careful consideration.